Among several weight loss systems there is a very effective way to lose weight. It is known as raw food diet. The term is self explanatory i.e. you do not consume cooked food for a few weeks. Though not very easy to follow, it works remarkably well for fast weight loss.
What exactly is raw food diet weight loss system?
Apart from encouraging you to include a lot of green and leafy foods in your diet, this system suggests that you take liquid diet as well. Fruit juice, soup, lemonade or just plain water is effective enough to burn fat while providing you enough energy for whole day.
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Ideally you should drink a glass of lukewarm lemon water with some salt the first thing in the morning. This simple recipe works wonders for detoxifying your colons. With smooth bowel movements you get rid of toxins and accumulated fecal waste from your body.
Morning breakfast should consist of fresh fruit salads, almond, yogurt or some coconut cream. In lunch you can go for green salads, tomatoes, capsicum or onion with some vinegar dressing. Similarly you can prepare your own recipe for dinner. It could be vegetable soup, cheese etc.
While eating raw diet you must make sure that you do not cut down on your liquid intakes. Drink as much water as you can while reducing your intake of caffeinated drinks.
Does it work for fast weight loss?
It all depends upon how strictly you follow the system. The idea behind this whole program is to reduce your intake of cooked food which contains oil, saturated fat etc. Moreover fresh and leafy vegetable are low in calorie but they keep you full all the time. Your cravings for junk food disappear. The net result is; you start losing weight very fast.
Though you can lose weight very fast by eating only fresh fruits and leafy vegetable, you cannot continue with this diet for long. The moment you start eating your normal food; you start gaining weight again. Moreover everyone may not respond to this diet very positively.
One of the best ways to lose weight very fast is to go for super food based supplements that work on your metabolism and do not put restrictions on your regular diets. Acai berry and colon cleanse formula has become very popular in recent years because it works naturally without making you feel that you are on some fast weight loss program.
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